Liberty91 is finally live! Now you too can stay ahead of cyber events and leverage AI to summarize, analyze and contextualize the constantly evolving threat landscape for you.

Use Liberty91 for free and enjoy all the premium features for 7 days. Sign up for your a free account now!

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Real-time security events, contextualized with genAI and tailored to your organization. From every source available to you - open or closed. Never miss anything important again. Miss everything that’s not important.

Our Flexible Plans


  • 7 day trial of all premium features

  • 10 OSINT sources of your choice

  • 9 Free Threat Library Cards

  • Unlimited Keywords

  • Unlimited Clusters

  • Free forever

  • Sign up now


  • Everything from Free

  • Unlimited OSINT sources

  • Unlimited Threat Library Cards

  • 10 X (Twitter) Follows

  • Only $8.33/month (billed annually)


  • Everything from Essentials

  • Unlimited X (Twitter) follows

  • AI-powered analysis

  • Daily summary & context of cyber events

  • Instant critical event alerts

  • Only $20.83/month (billed annually)


  • Everything from Professional

  • Unlimited number of accounts

  • API-access

  • Dedicated, Personal AI-models

  • Premium Success Manager

  • Contact us for a demo


choose your assets and controls

We’ve made a selection for you. Just point and click, or add your own. We’ll keep an eye on them for you, their vulnerabilities, and tell you if you need to know.

monitor for any relevant threats

Lean back and be updated when you need to know. We’ll monitor all your sources, in open source as well as your premium vendor reporting. We’ll tell you what you need to know, when you need to know it. We also show you what people in your industry and geography are paying attention to.

select the threats you care about

Ransomware? Cyber Espionage from Russia? DDOS? Just choose the threats that keep you up at night. No need to go into specifics, unless you want to. Build a profile for yourself or use our few-clicks wizard to help us do it for you.


Real-Time Dashboard

See what’s happening now, from all your open and paid-for sources, in one convenient view.

Automatic categorization & tagging

Create your Threat Library with AI-support. Relevant events will automatically be categorized, prioritized, tagged and reported for easy reference.

Prioritized Threats

Executives with better things to do don’t want to see everything, they want to see what matters. Liberty91 provides convenient dashboards that show what matters to you and your industry.

What people said about Liberty91

  • "This is exactly how I envisioned a TI dashboard to be. Pretty good interface, wow!"

    Security Specialist

  • "Really impressed with the Liberty91 platform! Only scratched the surface so far, but keen to continue using it!"

    Threat Intelligence Consultant

  • "Liberty91 is great! Not buttering you, but this is way better than the competition. "

    Senior Threat Intelligence Analyst

What Liberty91 does

  • Source Monitoring

    We monitor all your sources in real-time. Not just open-source, but any premium vendor you subscribe to with an API. No need to scroll all those security blogs, visit all those vendor portals or check if any of your rules have fired in malware repositories or passive DNS tooling.

  • Prioritization, Categorization, Tagging & Prioritization

    We know what you care about, so we categorize, prioritize and tag everything nicely for you. Do you need a quarterly update on APT34? Liberty91 already has all the information nicely structured, saving you a ton of time.

  • Presentation

    Liberty91 has multiple dashboards for different use cases: the recent threats dashboard shows what is happening right now. The trending dashboard shows what people like you care about. The Criticality Dashboard sorts events based on how much we think you should care.

  • Artificial Intelligence Analysis

    Professional and Enterprise Subscribers enjoy Artificial Intelligence to analyze today’s cyber events from all your sources, summarizes it and tells you what you need to know. We even tell you why you need to know. Or (even better) why you shouldn’t.

Liberty91 is for …

  • Small security teams that don’t have the luxury of a having their own Threat Intelligence Team, but still need to understand the threat landscape and how it applies to them specifically, benefit tremendously from Liberty91.

  • Subscribe to a premium Intel vendor for the Indicators of Compromise, but never log into the portal to read the reports? You’re not alone. Liberty91 pulls in all their reports automatically and informs you of anything you need to know

  • Too many, too long reports to read every day? Liberty91’s AI-engine summarizes anything you need to know, and only what you need to know, on a daily basis.

  • Successful CTI Teams turn Liberty91 on on their SOC Wallscreen, to make sure they are the first to know when something new happens in the Threat Landscape.